The 2014 Rewind...

As I sit on the train traveling down to North Carolina to celebrate New Years with my family, I can't help but reflect back on 2014, and all in all it has been a good year.

It was full of friends, adventures and milestones. I turned 30 and ended one of my longest relationships - I said goodbye to my car, the Camry. After 11 years together we parted ways in May.

I enjoyed another year of theater with my dear friends and theater buddies Chris and Ben. We saw Smokey Joe's Cafe (a birthday surprise and a fantastically fun show), Loveland, The Totalitarians, Hair, Cabaret Macabre, and ended it all with Pippin at The National Theater.

I even got out of DC on some adventures like my first gay beach weekend to Rehoboth, visiting the aunts in Pittsburgh, a date weekend in Philly, a wedding in Boston, seeing the Grounds for Sculpture in New Jersey, a football game in Arizona and a wonderful friendsgiving in Canada.

I joined a gay kickball team - drinking far too much this fall, but making some great new friends along the way. Sponsored my second child, Damaris through Children International. She's four and adorable and lives in Ecuador and I have this lovely puppy that she colored hanging above my desk at home.

Rainbow Response received its first ever grant from the DC Office of Victims Services. And I got to spend the summer working with a great group of people to plan an LGBTQ healthy relationships education and outreach campaign - that is on track to be launched in 2015.

Work had a few milestones as well, I was featured in the documentary Outcasts: Surviving the Culture of Rejection discussing prison privatization and interviewed on Voice of Russia Radio about the militarization of police in the U.S.

I began the year by joining the SMYAL Young Donors Committee, a committed group of young professionals working to help support local LGBT youth through ongoing fundraising efforts. And I ended the year by being appointed by the mayor, confirmed by the DC City Council and sworn onto the Police Complaints Board, the board of directors that oversees the DC Office of Police Complaints.

Lastly, as of January, I will be the Development & Research Associate at JPI, still working to reform the criminal justice system. I'll start 2015 with a lot to look forward to and more adventures to come.

So, here is to a new year full of peace, love and endless opportunity!


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