Getting back on the wagon...

...the blogging wagon that is.

So, 2015 was not my best blogging year by far, but I guess it was somewhat poignant that my last blog was "Do you stop and smell the roses?" We can just say that's what I did, I took a respite from sharing my thoughts, stories and ideas with the blogosphere to focus on living and enjoying life without commentary, well written commentary that is. :) 

I knew when I started this blog that it could easily become overwhelming to keep up with, and I was right. There are so many things to write about that it is often less about finding something to say and more about being disciplined to find the time to say it, that's the clear challenge. 

But life is about learning and improving so here I am trying to learn from my blogging successes and failures and reconnect with the reason I wanted to start a blog in the first place. Last year may not have been a great blogging year, but it was full of friends, family and adventure - and maybe if you're lucky I'll share some of those stories with you sometime. 

So thanks for your patience and for tuning back in - I'm gonna try to do better in 2016.

With much gratitude,

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