I ain't got no Amex...

Although I haven't written a blog post since the dawn of time, or at least January - hey blogging is not that easy - I figure I need to get one out there. So, what better way to re-introduce the world to my antics than a quick story.

Last night I was having dinner with my friend Conrad. We have committed to making our way through the 14th/U Street corridor trying the 50 million new restaurants that have opened in the past 6 months. The choice last night: the Fainting Goat. Yes, you read that correctly it is called "Fainting Goat" - and hey who would have thunk that there actually is a species of goat that faints when scared - you can read more about that here.

Anyway, we had some wine, some food and good conversation. I had the shrimp sandwich - it was a take on a lobster roll, but with shrimp and served with some homemade potato wedge fries - it was pretty yummy. And Conrad had the porchetta sandwich, what is porchetta you ask? You can read more about that here, but quickly the porchetta sandwich was somewhat similar to a pulled pork sandwich, or at least as described so by our waitress, and it too was quite tasty. It came served with a "fruit salad" as described by Conrad, which actually turned out to be a lightly roasted vegetable salad (have another glass of wine Conrad). 

Speaking of having another glass of wine, I am one to talk. The crux of the story comes as we are going to pay the bill. Conrad and I both put in our cards and handed the billfold to the waitress. And there just happened to be a couple having a dinner date at the table next to us (it was on the opposite wall of the narrow portion of the restaurant so they were maybe four feet from our table) and they also were paying the bill at the same time. And yes, you guessed it things got a little mixed up. We get back the billfold and I take a look at it and low and behold there is only one card in it. So, what do I do? I turn and shout to the table next to us: "Oh hey! I think that our bills got swapped because I ain't got no Amex!" The epitome of class, that is me! 

But for your enjoyment the shenanigans didn't end there. Once we swapped the billfolds and got the right cards I noticed that the total charged to my card didn't make sense either. So, as the guy at the opposite table was signing his bill I again shout across at him: "wait, wait, wait! Does your bill make sense? Because my dinner wasn't this cheap!" 

....and yes, I did say cheap. Of course I followed it up with "oh I didn't mean cheap, I just meant that this bill is less." So essentially in a matter of 2 minutes I was able to put my foot in my mouth twice, all to the enjoyment of Conrad and our waitress. But hey I may have been sassy and it may have impacted their date, but it didn't impact that guys Amex! So, I did my civic duty this week! 

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