Give yourself the space to be creative

We are living in challenging times and we all need creative outlets. You may be reading this and saying I’m not “creative,” and let me start by saying bollocks! We are all creative in some form or fashion - it may not be art or music, but it could be writing or baking, podcasting or just spending time dreaming. Dreaming itself is being creative.

This week I tapped into my creative outlet and after years of talking about launching a podcast about our mutual like of and desire to learn more about whiskey my friend Nick and I did just that - we launched Whiskey Queens.

The experience of recording the first episode - as imperfect as it is - reminded me of the joy you can feel when finally living a dream you’ve thought and talked about for such a long time.

I can’t remember when my journey exploring whiskey first began. But I do know my first exposure was as a young child watching my grandfather have a shot and a beer - it was usually Black Velvet, a Canadian Whisky, in the shot glass. But my interest started roughly around the start of my friendship with Nick in the 2012/2013 era. That is when I truly began exploring whiskey beyond the general house staples you’d find at a party or the ones I knew from growing up - Jack, Jim, and Crown.

For the period of time Nick and I lived in the same city, we even had Manhattan Mondays - basically a night to grab dinner, have a drink or two of the whiskey variety, catch up and yes even bitch. These nights are likely what formed the percolating idea of Whiskey Queens.

I don’t know how long Whiskey Queens the podcast will last or if it will be a short lived one hit wonder, but what I do know is that we did it. We put a dream we talked about for years into action and the rest - well that is up to the fates I guess. I’m proud to have done it. To release that creative energy that has been pent up inside for so long, and to remind myself that we all need to give ourselves the space to be creative.

It’s why I launched this blog eight years ago. I like to write, reflect, and share and this space has given me that medium over the years. Often times I don’t write as much as I would like, but what I’ve come to learn about my creative outlets is that they are there when I need them. When I feel some bubbling in my soul that I need to say and get out DC’s Third Favorite Otter Blog is there for me to do just that and to share it with the world.

I’ve never launched my creative outlets focused on building a brand or an audience. I learned early on with this blog that I didn’t want it to feel like an obligation. Once your creative outlet feels like an obligation that’s when you lose the joy and the meaning behind why you started the adventure in the first place. Sure sometimes I’d like to write more and maybe I will. But for now this blog is like an old friend ready to be there for me when I need it.

So take the time to find your creative space. I swear to you it's worth the dedication and the journey. Embrace and share joy. Live with empathy. But above all continue to be bold, be brave, and be you.

With love,

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