Goodbye Camry, goodbye....
I bought her at the end of my freshman year of college. She replaced my first vehicle, a truck. Yes, you read that correctly - I had a truck. A 1991 Ford Ranger, red pick-up truck, manual, no power steering and no A/C to be exact. Who knew I was so manly, right!?! I had some great times in that truck zooming around Columbus, but I can tell more of those stories later, for now let's get back to the Camry.

And she even helped to make history by carting me around as I campaigned in Delaware for Obama in 2008. And again she did her her civic duty by accompany my housemate Josh as he spent a month working on the 2012 Obama re-election campaign in Ohio. So, yes, you are welcome Barack and Joe....and yes Sherrod Brown too!
I bought her a week after I turned 19 and I said goodbye to her 2 weeks before I turn 30. Ironically, it seemed like the most appropriate time - and not just because of the onslaught of mechanical problems that were arising - but because she was with me as I entered my 20s and it only seemed fitting that as I embark on my next decade in life that we part ways. So, I have officially become a car-less D.C. resident! My friends (ahem Nick) would be so proud.
So let's raise a glass to the Camry. We got a divorce and she spent the last 11 years sucking me dry of money, but there were more good memories than bad!