What are you thankful for?
As I ride the train from Washington, D.C. to NYC for thanksgiving, I say what better time does one have to write a blog post? None, that is the answer - especially for this blogger who is blogging challenged (I mean my last post was in August, shameful!).
Aside from a time of the year to see friends, family and gorge oneself on turkey, stuffing, pie and football - I try and remind myself what I am thankful for in life. It are these simple moments that help me stay grounded in an ever changing world, full of technology that makes it easier to communicate in type rather than in person and a stale-mate political climate where politicians are more interested in proving their own point than actually serving the constituents who elected them.
In 2013 I have a lot to be thankful for: my health; a good job and stable income; a healthy and happy family; close friends who inspire me to be the best otter possible; a passion for social change; and committed partners in my battle to ensure that ALL survivors of partner violence, especially my LGBTQ brothers and sisters have access to competent first responders, advocates and service providers.
So, as you sit down this holiday take a moment to reflect on the things that you are thankful for, that inspire you, or simply make you smile - and then you can eat that mound of food waiting on your plate and pass out happy.